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Blogging mistakes to avoid To Earn your first $3,000 in 3mths


Welcome to The blogging world! and today, I want to talk about what you should be focusing on during your first month of blogging. When I started my first ever blog website six years ago, I was clueless.

I treated it like an online diary, and it showed in my results—then I got no page views and made little progress but i was still happy and never gave up even when nobody was there to guide me through.

Today in this article, I’m here to share the things I wish I knew back then to help you avoid the same mistakes i made back then. If you’re starting out on your blogging journey, it’s important you pay close attention to this article so as to make progress faster and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

1. Define Your Niche and Focus

First and foremost, get clear on what you want to share online. Many new bloggers like myself then, start writing without a specific focus. While it’s okay to share random or general thoughts, you need a clear niche to rank well in search engines like Google,  bing, yahoo and other search engines. 

As you already know, Search engines and readers alike favor blogs with a clear, focused niche and topic. For example, if your blog is about fashion, homemaking or football, ensure your content consistently revolves around that same niche. Topic and theme. Don’t deviate from your calling to do some other person’s work.

2. Start with a Budget-Friendly startup

Don’t spend a lot of money on a paid ads for your new blog initially. I don’t really recommend paying for any traffic because the free traffic is enough to make you your first $500 to $1000+ as a beginner if you can consistently upload posts on you blog.

Most of my blogging students who got their website blogs developed and monetized by my team already got their website blog delivered and some of them also hired my team to handle their blog content writing so you can do it. 

So if you can always publish consistently,  back to back, then the traffic will keep increasing while your revenue will increase as well. You can start a blog in 2024 without stress just with our proven strategy. 

And you don’t even need to break your bank for that, if you’re on my space, if you are a subscriber on our telegram Channel,  whatsapp channel and youtube channel, then automatically you are qualified for a discount price for full website blog development and monetization from my team which is only available for my subscribers only. 

Only few slots available, to qualify,  quickly email Johnfrancis@paddedvibez.com or dm on whatsapp https://wa.me/2348162365380

3. Consistency is Key to a successful Blog 

Once your blog is set up, commit to consistent posting. Search engines and your audience appreciate regular updates. Whenever you stop posting, people stops visiting. It’s just like when you feed birds,  they come closer to you when they see you have their food, but as soon as you stop giving them food, they fly away. 

Aim to post at least 3 times a week. Consistency helps build your blog’s credibility and keeps your audience engaged, especially new blogs.

4.Optimise Your Blog Posts for SEO

To ensure your blog posts rank well in search engines like Google,  bing, yahoo or other search engines, you need to focus on SEO. Here’s a quick breakdown on how to achieve that:

Always apply headings to your blog post when necessary. We have already created a full mobile blog content writing course on selar which can be seen here https://selar.co/m/Paddedvibez

H1 Heading: Start your post with a clear H1 heading that summarises your blog content.

SEO Title and Description: make sure to Include relevant keywords in your SEO title and description.

H2 Headings: Use H2 headings to break up your content into easily digestible sections.

Short Paragraphs: Keep paragraphs short for better readability, especially on mobile devices.

Images: Include images with descriptive alt text to break up text and provide additional context for search engines.

5. Create a Content Schedule

As a blogger who wants to write on his or her blog, always Plan when you’ll write, edit, and publish your blog posts. Unless you are paying someone to handle all that for you.

A content schedule helps you stay organised and ensures you maintain consistency on your blog. It also holds you accountable, making it easier to keep up with your blogging commitments.

6. Think About Monetization Early

It’s very important to monetize your blog immediately once it goes live so as your blog earnings will start counting from day one. With our discount price you will get a full website blog developed and monetized for you to start earning. 

Apart from monetizing with ad network, there are other strategies to earn from your blog. You can integrate affiliate marketing from platforms like shareasale,  cj affiliate, digistore24,  cpa marketing,  eCommerce, sell your own products on your blog and more to make money.

7. Avoid Doing Too Much at Once

When starting, focus on your blog and these additional platform. For instance, writing blog posts and promoting them on Pinterest, Facebook,  Twitter. Whatsapp and telegram are a great combination. 

These are powerful search engines and social media platforms that can drive significant traffic to your blog. Make sure you create these page names after your blog domain name for seo and credibility purposes.

Don’t  overwhelm yourself with multiple platforms right away; build a solid foundation first and a loyal readers on your blog before thinking about extended platforms.

These are the Action Plan Summary of what I have written so far in this article. 

Define Your Niche: Choose a specific focus for your blog.

Budget-Friendly Startup: don’t run paid ads, create consistent contents rather for more traffic. 

Consistency: Post at least 3 times a week.

SEO Optimization: Use headings, keywords, short paragraphs, and images on your blog posts.

Content Schedule: Plan your writing, editing, and publishing times to stay ahead of others. 

Monetization Strategy: Consider the above listed earning strategies for your blog monetization  

Limit Initial Focus: Stick to blogging and promoting on the created social media platforms.


Starting a blog can be overwhelming, but with these tips, you’ll be on the right track to building a successful blog that can make you $1,000+ monthly. To grab your slot for the full website blog development and monetization setup, click here https://wa.me/2348162365380 For more tips on starting your blog and making money subscribe to our YouTube page and join us on Telegram Asap.

6 Profitable blog niches with low competition 2024 for Faster Seo 10k daily Traffic 


Finding a desired niche that is both profitable and has low competition can be a challenging thing for blog beginners but it’s so rewarding when you figure that out. There are huge blogging niches which have not yet been saturated, so here are 6 Profitable blog niches with low competition 2024 for Faster Seo 10k daily Traffic that are ripe for the picking in 2024 and beyond.

These niches not only offer the potential for high ads revenue and high affiliate earnings but also have relatively low competition, making them a perfect option for new bloggers or those looking to diversify. Which means you have the opportunity to stand out and compete with less blogs out there. Sounds good right?

Profitable blog niches with low competition 2024

1. Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices:

With the increasing awareness about world climate changes and overall environmental sustainability, this blog niche is set to boom as time goes on, you only need to Focus on topics such as:

Zero waste living

Eco-friendly product reviews

Sustainable fashion

Green home improvements

Here are the SEO Tips:

To rank higher on Google search and get to the first page, you need to Use keywords like “sustainable living tips,” “eco-friendly products 2024,” and “how to live with zero waste.”

Also Create long-form, in-depth guides and how-to articles on your blog consistently. Leverage social media to share video and image contents related to sustainability. And don’t forget to stay consistent,  the more the articles you publish daily, the higher the traffic to your blog. Remember this is a game of quality and quantity. 

2. Remote Work and Digital Nomad Lifestyle.

Everyone wants to work from home, and that is the latest trend now. As you already know, the remote work trend will always continue to grow. Covering this niche can attract a wide audience from different tier one countries ranging from freelancers to full-time remote workers. Key areas to focus on when writing your articles include:

Best tools for remote work

Digital nomad travel guides

Balancing work and life while working from home

Setting up a productive home office

Here are the SEO Tips:

You have to Target keywords like “best remote work tools 2024,” “digital nomad destinations (listicles),” and “remote work productivity tips.” Also Offer practical advice and personal experiences on your blog articles to relate more with your audience. 

And don’t forget to Collaborate with remote work influencers and digital nomads for guest posts and interviews on your blog. This will also help you gain more popularity and increase your credibility.

3. Mental Health and Well-being

As they say , “health is wealth”,  The conversation around mental health is more open than ever. Blogs focusing on overall mental wellness can attract a dedicated readership from different geographical locations. Topics to explore when writing your articles includes:

Coping mechanisms for anxiety and stress

Mindfulness and meditation techniques

Personal stories of mental health journeys

Reviews of mental health apps and resources

Here are the SEO Tips:

Make sure to Utilize keywords such as “mental health tips,” “stress management techniques,” and “best meditation Apps 2024.” It’s important to create supportive, community-driven content.

And don’t forget to Offer downloadable resources like guides and worksheets for your audience to access. With that alone you can use it to gather their emails and build your email list.

4. DIY and Home Improvement

There is no place like home and I myself prefer staying at home to being outside. With people spending more time at home, DIY and home improvement projects are increasingly popular. I can’t count how many times I have searched for home DIY improvement ideas this month alone. It’s countless, like every other person. Topics to include in this niche can include:

Step-by-step DIY project guides

Home renovation tips on a budget

Gardening and landscaping ideas

Upcycling and repurposing old items

Here are the SEO Tips:

Always Focus more on keywords like “easy DIY projects,” “home improvement tips,” and “budget-friendly renovations.” Engage with your audience through comment sections and social media.

It’s important to Provide detailed tutorials with photos and videos clips, if you don’t have good photography skill, then make use of free royalty image and video sites like pexels.com and pexabay.com to download the image and video clips.

5. Personal Finance and Frugality

Many people are seeking financial help and Helping people manage their money effectively is always relevant. This niche can be very lucrative if done right. And this is one of the best high cpm niches you can go for. You can focus more on Topics to like

Budgeting tips and tools

Debt reduction strategies

Investing for beginners

Frugal living and saving money

Here are the SEO Tips:

Make sure you Target keywords like “how to budget,” “debt reduction tips,” and “frugal living ideas.”

Share personal finance success stories and case studies. You can also add success stories of reputable individuals. Create downloadable budget planners and financial worksheets and give out to your audience.

6. Niche Hobbies and Interests

Online Blogs focusing on specific hobbies and interests can attract a passionate audience. This very niche can attract mostly audiences from tier one countries. Also Consider topics such as:

Board games and tabletop gaming

Craft beer brewing

Bird watching and nature photography

Urban gardening

Here are the SEO Tips:

It’s important to Use long-tail keywords in this niche like “beginner board games,” “how to brew craft beer,” and “urban gardening tips.”

Engage with niche communities and online forums.Offer unique insights and in-depth reviews to help you gain more visibility. 

Tips for Success in Low-Competition Niches

Always Research Thoroughly: make Use of seo keywords research tools like Google Trends, google keyword planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to find keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Quality Content: be sure to Focus more on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that adds value to your readers, that alone should be your first priority.

Consistent Posting: Regularly update your blog website with fresh content to keep your audience engaged and improve your search engine ranking. Whenever I start a new blog, I always publish 2 to 5 blog posts daily so as to get to my desired audience.

You might ask, how possible is that?. I have a team of writers who write for me. So if you’re just alone, you can do 2 posts daily and if you have the funds you can then hire writers to help you on that.

Leverage Social Media: make Use of social media platforms to promote your content and interact with your audience. I always emphasize this to all my blogging students. 

Monetization Strategies: Explore various monetization options such as display ads , affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and digital products like eBooks and courses to earn more money.


Blogging in a low-competition niche can be incredibly profitable if you choose the right topic and execute your strategy effectively. By focusing on the above listed niches, which are sustainable living, remote work, mental health, DIY projects, personal finance, and niche hobbies, you can build a successful online blog in 2024.

Remember to write quality content, consistent posting, and effectively apply SEO strategies to attract and retain your audience. Join us on Telegram and whatsapp to learn more…


Finally nigeria is eligible for facebook monetization | How To Earn Your First $1,000 on Facebook


Congratulations to all Nigeria creators on Facebook meta platform. Rejoice because Facebook Monetization is Now Available in Nigeria.(June 28th, 2024)

This is great news for Nigerian content creators! As of today, being June 28th, 2024, Facebook has opened its monetization programs to users in Nigeria. 

Before now, you would always see the country eligibility options as ineligible,  but currently if you check your monetization tab on your Facebook page or profile, it’s now fully eligible. This means you can now potentially earn money by creating engaging content on your Facebook page or profile and as well building a loyal audience.

Finally nigeria is eligible for facebook monetization

This article will be your one-stop guide to navigating the current Facebook monetization eligibility in Nigeria. Here We’ll cover everything including;

  • Activating the Facebook Monetization: How to turn on monetization features on your Facebook page or facebook profile.
  • All the Monetization Requirements: The key criteria you need to meet to be eligible even as your country has been made eligible. 
  • How to Fulfill Unmet Requirements: Tips on how to address any missing qualifications that could hinder you from getting monetized today. 
  • Instagram Monetization: When to expect similar opportunities on Instagram in nigeria. 
  • Facebook Payout Rates per 1000 views: Understanding how much you can potentially earn from your Facebook content(spoiler alert: there’s no set rate per view).

How to Turn on Monetization on Facebook in Nigeria today 

Ready to unlock your earning potential with the current Facebook monetization eligibility in nigeria? Here’s how to activate monetization on your Facebook account or page:

Head to Facebook page or profile: Click on the Creator Support. This is a central hub for managing your content and monetization options. You can  Access it through the Facebook Mobile app, desktop site or from any browser. 

Click the “Monetization” Tab: This section provides an overview of your facebook page or profile eligibility status and all the available monetization tools you might be eligible for.

Review Requirements: Familiarize yourself with all of Facebook’s monetization policies to ensure your content adheres to their guidelines and be sure you met all the criteria before applying to Turn on monetization. 

For some reasons, not all monetization options will be available for you, but the instream ads for reals will be available for your facebook page and profile which requires at least 5000 followers and 60,000 minutes of watch time to be approved.

While other monetization options like ads on live stream and other ads on video ads are all available for Nigerians now, you still need to meet the criteria of having at least 600,000 minutes of watch time and at least 10,000 followers to be approved for invitations. 

Apply for Monetization: If you meet the criteria, you can initiate the application process through the monetization interface on your Facebook app.

Important Note:  Facebook will review your application to confirm your eligibility. This process might take some time to be fully approved.  But be rest assured that your application will be approved if all the criterias are all met. 

Facebook Monetization Requirements: Are You Eligible?

Before diving into monetization, ensure your account meets these essential facebook monetization criteria as mentioned above.

Facebook Page or Profile: You can monetize content through either a Facebook Page (recommended for creators) or a personal profile (with limitations). You have to make the right choice,  but I recommend having a Facebook page to avoid some limitations. 

Minimum Age: Before applying for Facebook monetization, You must be 18 years or older to be accepted.

Content Compliance: Your Facebook page or profile content must strictly adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards and Monetization Policies. If you are found violating or you previously violated any Facebook policy,  you will not be given the opportunity to monetize on facebook.

So you have to be careful and do the right thing on the platform to stay clean, this includes avoiding copyrighted material, hate speech, and violent content.

Audience Base: There are specific facebook follower/viewership thresholds depending on the chosen monetization method on your facebook page or profile.

For some monetization options you need at least 5000 followers on either facebook page or profile and 60,000 minutes watch time to get approved. Example is the instream ads on reals.

While some others can be activated when you have at least 10,000 followers and 600,000 minutes of watch time to get monetized like the ads on live stream, video ads etc.

How to Remove Facebook Policy violations 

If any of your page or profile has already violated Facebook policy, you need to get rid of those red flags so as to get monetized. You can do that by removing all the contents that violated the Facebook policy, and you can as well appeal any violation and get the red notification removed from your page or profile.

How to meet all Facebook monetization criteria in 30 days

Completing Unmet Requirements: As you are gradually Building Your Audience on Facebook,If you fall short on some criteria, like not having the 60,000 minutes of watch time or 5000, 10,000 followers, don’t fret! Here are some tips to bolster your Facebook account and meet eligibility faster. 

Content is King: 

On your Facebook page or profile, you need to Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Even if you meet the country eligibility criteria and every other monetization option,  if you don’t have good engagement and views on your page or profile,  there won’t be any money coming in for you.

So if you can’t take it upon yourself to alway create high-quality content for your audience to always consume, you are as good as not monetized.  Facebook isn’t giving free money, you need to work to get paid, and your work is to create content.

Be Consistent: 

Stay consistent, Facebook content creation is not what you do once in a while, you have to upload contents back to back, especially when you’re growing an audience. 

You need to plan your time table and make your content plans ahead of time. Regularly publish content to keep your viewers engaged and coming back for more.

Promote Your Facebook Page: 

You can make use of Facebook meta ads to boost your Facebook page followers when starting out. But this paid boost isn’t recommended.  You can effectively promote your Facebook page organically by utilizing influencer promotional methods. 

You can pay influencers for a shootout, they will tag you on their pages while their followers will easily discover your page and follow you if your contents are relevant.  That’s why you need to always create content that focuses on a specific niche so as to attract the right audience. 

Leverage Facebook tools and explore external promotions to increase your reach and follower count to get monetized.  You can promote your page on your blog like you can see the links to my Telegram on my blog, you can do so on Telegram channel, Instagram or any other social platform. 

Community Building:

Interact with your Facebook audience, respond to their comments, and foster a sense of community around your facebook page or profile.  Sometimes you can engage them with a giveaway offer and all of that.

When Will Instagram Monetization be in Nigeria?

While Facebook opens its doors to monetization in Nigeria today, the meta Instagram monetization for Nigeria is yet to be announced. You need to Stay tuned for future updates from official Meta (Facebook’s parent company) regarding Instagram’s eligibility timeline.

To stay updated join us on our telegram channel and join our whatsapp channel to stay updated and learn more tricks on how to make money online. 

How Much Does Facebook Pay per 1000 Views in Nigeria?

There’s no fixed payout rate per 1000 views on Facebook in Nigeria.  Your earnings depend on several factors, including:

Type of Monetization: we have In-stream ads, subscriptions monetization, and Facebook branded content partnerships will generate varying revenue.

Audience Demographics: Advertisers on facebook always target specific demographics, and views from high-value demographics typically yield higher payouts on facebook.

Engagement Rates: Facebook page or or profile Content with strong audience interaction e.g (likes, comments, shares) tends to be more valuable to advertisers. So you need to create more engaging content for the dolls to role in.


The takeaway? If you want to get monetized on Facebook or you have been monetized already and need to get more revenue, you only need to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that attracts a loyal audience.

As your facebook viewership grows and your content resonates with valuable demographics, your earning potential increases. It’s not by magic.

There are various ways to make money online which we always discuss on our official platforms and youtube channel, you can join us on Telegram and gain access to our youtube channel videos to get our premium guides for free. Let’s see right there !

Also Read: How to Monetize Telegram Channel in 24hrs and make your first $100

how to use digistore24 to make money on tiktok

person holding white samsung galaxy smartphone

Do you have a TikTok app on your mobile phone? If your answer is yes, then be ready to make your first $500 today on tiktok using this secret website. I have been able to make a few dollars on tiktok with this secret website that I’m about to disclose to you in this article. 

So in this article I’m going to show you how to use digistore24 to make money on Tiktok from your home using either a mobile phone or Desktop. And the best part is that this will definitely be possible for you no matter where you are reading this from.

Even if your country is restricted, I’m going to show you how to get through this and also earn alongside with others on this platform using just your Tik Tok app.

In this article we will discuss what digistore24 is all about,  how it works. How to register, how to find high paying offers and also how to use digistore24 to make money on tiktok in 2024. 

What is digistore24?

Digistore24 is one of the leading affiliate marketing Marketplaces around the globe which helps affiliates (publishers) to make money from sales and also helps vendors (product owners) make money from getting sales from their products. 

Also Read: How to get unlimited traffic for your affiliate links in 2025

How to register on digistore24

To register on digistore24, you need to Visit digistore24.com official website. Click on the sign up button and add your registration details. Make sure your details are all correct so as to access the platform,  don’t forget to add your payment methods so as to get access to your monthly payouts. 

What to do if your country is restricted on digistore24 

If your country is restricted make sure to contact someone in an eligible country to register the account on your behalf.  Make sure it’s a trusted person. Another way to bypass that is by using a VPN, only a paid VPN like fastest VPN , Telekom VPN paid plan can be used to access the platform lifetime so as to have full access to your account and stay anonymous. 

I personally use the fastest VPN lifetime access to create my account and I have been using it to make money on digistore24.  It costs only $60 lifetime and with the link you can get a discount and have it for $40 lifetime access.

How do you get paid on Digistore24?

To make money and get paid on digistore24,  you need to become an affiliate on the platform. When you are officially registered with digistore24, you will gain the option to switch from both vendors tab to affiliate tab. As a vendor you only have the option to add your product(s) on the platform for any available affiliate to promote and get you sales.

While as an affiliate you don’t have products on the Platform but you are literally applying to promote vendors products to get a certain commission from any sales from your affiliate link.

So to get paid as an affiliate you need to apply to promote a product(s) and when you are approved, you will be given a tracking link which is your affiliate link. This is the link that can earn you your first $500 with the tiktok strategy we will use in this article. 

How to promote digistore24 affiliate links and generate your first $500 online?

Congratulations, you are one step closer to making your first dollar from the affiliate link you generated from the product’s approval.  So the next thing is to get to work and promote the affiliate link to get buyers so as to receive your commissions from the vendor. 

There are many ways to gain traffic and sales to your digistore24 affiliate links and also get paid. You can utilize organic traffic,  social media traffic or paid traffic. These are the three main traffic sources that have the capacity to get you your first $500. 

What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic is the free traffic which you get voluntarily from your audience through SEO, search engines, referrals or through content marketing.  These traffic are free of charge without any cost to the publisher’s end. You can attract organic traffic with a blog website, through seo optimized contents or blog posts. In generally it’s called SEO ( Searches engine optimization)

You can also attract organic traffic through video search engines like youtube, through an optimized youtube video. Your viewers can decide to click your affiliate link to purchase your product from your affiliate link, which will then lead to a commission on your digistore24 affiliate account. 

What is social media traffic?

And social media traffic on the other hand are the referral traffic from social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram and others. These are also considered to be free traffic because you are literally getting them free of charge. 

What is paid traffic?

Paid traffic is Considered to be SEM which denotes Search engine marketing. They are traffic which comes from paid advertisements campaigns. Like the name suggests,  these traffic are bought with money through popular advertising platforms like facebook meta ads, Google ads, youtube ads, Twitter and the rest..

As stated above, you need traffic to make money on digistore24, and these traffics are humans and for you to gain their trust and get them to buy from you, you need to build that trust with them. And you can achieve that by building a standard website blog, having an engaging social media page like Tik Tok page, Instagram page, Facebook page and others.

how to use digistore24 to make money on tiktok

To start making money on digistore24 with your tik tok app, you need to first select a niche on tiktok, you can go for the entertainment niche,finance niche, education or technology niche on tiktok. 

Start creating good and high quality videos on your page to gain huge followers,  when you get to at least 10,000 followers on tiktok with higher video or post engagement, then head straight to your digistore24 account and on that same niche you are on tiktok, make sure you focus on same niche as well on digistore24 category section. 

For instance: if you selected an entertainment niche on tiktok and you have gained huge followers who love what you do and the type of content you produce, make sure you click on the category section on digistore24 and select the entertainment category.  

There you will find a bunch of entertainment products that your audience might be interested in, then pick the higher paying ones, Apply to get the affiliate links and head straight to the next step below. 

How to promote the digistore24 affiliate link on tiktok?

As you already know, tik tok doesn’t offer the option to add clickable links in each video upload, because of this, we have to make use of the bio link on each tiktok profile. Pick a separate affiliate link you want to make a video about,  research the product and list out their importance,  the advantages your audience will get when they sign up to the product, don’t beat around the bush. 

Don’t appear much like you are running a sponsored ad, make sure you follow the same format you always use when creating videos on your page. Sometimes you just need to only mention the product for about 30 seconds within your video.

Like you have seen your favorite comedians, mentioning 1XBET in their respective comedy skits. They will tell you to click the link on their bio to join or use their promo code.


With the above step by step guide, you can be sure of making your first $500 online from digistore24 using tiktok.  And this method is applicable if you have huge followers on facebook, Instagram, Twitter. If you don’t have any of these, it’s best for you to get a standard website blog so as to set everything automatically and gain consistent traffic from Google search through your blog contents.

Best press release distribution platform | 24-7 press release review 2024

man in black suit jacket wearing black necktie

As You already know, a press release is said to be an official announcement distributed to the general media to generate public interest in a particular company, an organization, or individual. It also acts as a newsworthy piece of information, like a product launch, partnership, or upcoming public event. Let’s delve deeper, Here’s a breakdown of Press Releases and Their Distribution Strategies:

The Purpose of a press release: 

The main purpose of a press release is to inform journalists and the general public about an important news update and to create a positive brand image.

The Contents of a press release:

Press releases typically include a whole lot of information answering the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the news update being announced.

The Format of a press release:

All press releases have a particular format. They follow a structured format which comes with a headline, dateline, introduction, body paragraphs, and boilerplate (that is the background information about the issuer of the press release).

Importance of Press Release Distribution

As you already know, in all businesses, there are always distributors who are also the promoters,distribution is the key to a press release’s success. Here’s why getting your press release out there matters for more visibility:

To Earn Media attention:

One of the importance is to earn media attention. A well-written press release can catch the eye of popular and reputable journalists and this alone can lead to articles or mentions in news top outlets, helping in boosting brand awareness and credibility without paying for any advertising fee.

For Search engine optimization SEO: 

Press releases can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by placing your company name and information on high-domain authority websites, potentially increasing organic traffic from search engines like Google,  bing and yahoo to your website.

It helps boost Public Awareness: 

Press release Distribution helps spread your news to a wider range of audience, and also generates interest and excitement about your brand, your product, or service.

Best ways to promote and distribute a press release. 

Always Target the Right Audience: 

Make sure you Research journalists who cover your industry and tailor your press release to their interested audience.

Use a Newsworthy Angle: 

Highlight what makes your announcement so unique and relevant to a broader audience.

Write a Compelling Press Release: writing a compelling press release is crucial. Focus on clarity, conciseness, and a strong storytelling to capture the attention of your targeted audience. 

Utilize Press Release Distribution Services: These services can send your press release to a wide network of top media outlets, which will help increase the press visibility.

Promote on Social Media: don’t forget to Share your press release on your social media channels , pages and handles to reach your existing audience and potentially attract new followers and subscribers. 

Follow Up: After sending your press release, don’t forget to reach out to top journalists at your reach to see if they have any questions and remember to build a strong relationship.

Best press release distribution platform 2024

24-7 Press Release Distribution 

This is one of the biggest press release distribution platforms that are widely accepted worldwide,  if you don’t know about 24-7 Press Release Distribution Service, you are a newComer lol..

Alright, don’t worry let me guide you on the right path about this biggest fish called 24-7 Press Release Distribution, this is going to bring a full Review of Features, Pricing, and their overall Effectiveness. 

What is 24-7 Press Release Distribution

24-7 Press Release is a service that helps businesses, firms and companies distribute their press releases to a worldwide audience. On their platform,  they offer a variety of pricing tiers and targeted distribution to journalists, researchers, and other potential influencers in the industry. But is it the right fit for your needs?

This honest review will delve into the features, pricing, effectiveness, and user reviews of 24-7 Press Release to help you decide. And this review is based on our experience as a firm.

What are the Features of 24-7 Press Release 

Easy-to-Use Platform: 

On 24-7 press release platform, all their users consistently praise the user-friendly interface of the platform for creating and distributing press releases. Uploading visuals and targeting specific industries are reported to be straightforward on 24-7 press release platform.

Best Distribution Network:

24-7 Press Release boasts distribution to a large network, including top journalists (even mentioning the Associated Press!), researchers, and other unspecified outlets.

Social Media Engagement:

 on their platform, the basic package includes social media promotion, which can be helpful for expanding reach beyond the traditional media outlets.


Clients also receive reports detailing the performance of their press releases, providing valuable insights into its effectiveness.

Good Pricing Tiers:

One of the things that made most people choose this platform over others is the budget friendly pricing plan. 24-7 Press Release offers various pricing options to suit different budgets, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes around the world.


After all the Reviews gathered, they all suggest that 24-7 Press Release Distribution is an effective solution for businesses looking to raise more public awareness and improve search engine optimization (SEO) which we stated above.

While some users with larger budgets have found even more extensive distribution options elsewhere, 24-7 Press Release seems to deliver a good value for its price point and this made more people to recommend the platform. 


24-7 Press Release is a solid press release distribution service with a user-friendly platform, top budget friendly and affordable pricing, and a good reputation for all customer service. While it might not be the perfect fit for every business,

it’s a strong choice for those looking for a cost-effective way to get their news out to a wide audience across the globe.  Consider your specific needs and budget when making your decision on your next big press release distribution platform. 

Tapswap withdrawal and launch date | Step-by-Step Guide to Making Money on Tapswap in 2024


First the trend was notcoin, and many people tapped on their phone screen, others created automated systems that would help them tap to accumulate coins while some hired their pets to help them do the tapping, sounds funny right? Let’s delve into the real world of Tapswap and how it works.

Understanding Tapswap game

Tapswap has created a whole lot of  buzz in the crypto world with its “tap-to-earn” concept. But the question is can you really make money on this Tapswap Telegram-based game in 2024? This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from getting started on the platform to maximizing your earnings using your mobile phone. 

How to start Tapswap game on Telegram 

Step 1: Join the Tapswap Family (Download Telegram)

Like Notcoin,  tapswap also operates under the umbrella of Telegram. Tapswap operates through the Telegram messaging app. If you don’t have it yet, head over to the app store both on Google and apple app store and download Telegram on your mobile device and make sure to install it for this to work for you.

Step 2: Find the Tapswap Bot on Telegram 

Once you have installed the telegram app, make sure to register with your mobile number and verify your username and head over to the telegram dashboard.  Open Telegram and search for “@TapswapBot” on the search bar. You can also find a link to the bot on Tapswap’s social media pages like X, facebook and YouTube (exercise caution with links outside of Telegram to stay safe and not get scammed).

Tapswap withdrawal and launch date

Step 3: Start Tapping and Earning TAPS 

Once you have access to the bot, click on the start button. Once you connect with the bot, follow the instructions to begin mining the coin through the game play which is the tap tap. The core gameplay involves tapping a designated icon on your phone screen to earn “TAPS,” the in-game currency. The question is , is it worth it? Let’s keep moving guys..

Step 4: Level Up and Climb the Ranks

While tapping on your phone screen might be time consuming, there are other strategies to maximize your earnings and migrate to levels on the platform. The more you tap, the higher your score and the more TAPS you earn. This also helps you climb the Tapswap leaderboards and potentially unlock bonus rewards on your registered account. 

Step 5: Explore Boosters and Tasks

Tapswap also offers “boosters” that can temporarily help increase your Tapswap earnings. These can be earned through completing tasks, through in-app purchases, or even free social media follows (do not forget to check Tapswap’s instructions).

Daily tasks often involve simple actions like following their social media channels on X, github, Facebook,Telegram channel etc which can grant you bonus TAPS on your balance. To even earn more TAPS you need to check out step 6.

Step 6: Invite Friends and Earn Together

If you’re generating coins, and wish to involve your friends,  Don’t forget to use your referral link to invite them so as to earn a percentage of their revenue from their tap.

Tapswap incentivizes spreading the word. By inviting your friends, brothers or relatives, you can earn referral bonuses for both you and your friend and if your friends invite their friends, then they will also earn vice-versa.

Step 7: The Big Question: Withdrawing Your TAPS

Is this really worth it, can we withdraw these taps as real money? Those are the questions,  and also where things get interesting. As of June 2024, Tapswap’s official launch and the ability to convert accumulated TAPS to real-world currency are still pending for now, as of the time of writing this article. 

Important Note: Tapswap recently postponed their launch due to concerns about bots inflating the token economy, that was the latest news. And you need to Stay tuned to their official channels on Telegram for more updates on the official launch and their possible confirmed ways to withdraw your TAPS into real cash.

Things to Consider Before You Start Tapping:

The Earning Potential: While the Tapswap telegram game promises future rewards, current earning potential through tapping seems limited as we do not know the worth and the withdrawal methods or proof. 

Investment: Some of the boosters on the platform require in-app purchases, which means users can invest their money to get the boost. It’s very important to approach them cautiously and make a thorough research before putting your money in such games.

Sustainability: Another thing to take note of is the sustainability of Tapswap. The long-term viability of Tapswap’s earning model remains to be seen, so you need to be extra careful. 

Here are some additional tips:

Always Stay Informed: make sure to Follow Tapswap’s official Telegram channels,  twitter (X) for updates on the launch dates, tokenomics, and potential withdrawal methods as users are currently awaiting this huge announcement. 

Always Be Patient: Building a significant amount of TAPS might take considerable time, energy and investment especially with the current limitations.


Enjoy the Game: If you approach Tapswap telegram game as a fun way to potentially earn some cryptocurrency rewards in the future, it can be a good way to spend some free time doing what makes you happy.

Always Remember that Tapswap is a new project, and its future success is uncertain yet, which calls for more carefulness.  Don’t invest more than you’re comfortable of losing and prioritize having fun while you tap.

How to Make Money on Cheelee App in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide


I know you have a social media account or page where you scroll through every single day watching your favorite content creator or celebrity who makes their money on social media through your views and engagement.  But do you also know that you can become the next star on a popular but low competitive social media app that could also pay you money?

I believe Starting out on platforms like youtube,  Facebook,  Instagram and tiktok can be so difficult to achieve because of their high competition level but with cheelee you can see your dreams coming to reality. In this article i will reveal the hidden strategies on how to make millions on cheelee app by just watching content or creating them yourself. 

Are you ready to make some money today,  if your answer is YES, then keep reading down so as not to miss any point,  let’s delve into it right now..

How to make money on cheelee app
How to make money on cheelee app

What is  cheelee ?

Cheelee is a social media platform with a twist: you can earn money by watching short videos, like you do on facebook,  TikTok and instagram without getting paid, here cheelee pays you for that. While it might sound too good to be true, here’s a simpme breakdown on how to get started with the Almighty Cheelee social media platform and potentially make some extra cash in 2024 from your comfort zone.

Step 1: Download and Sign Up

If you’re an android user, head to the google play store and download the Cheelee app, but if you’re on ios device, my iPhone geng head over to the app store and download the cheelee app. After installation, Open the app and create a new account with your details like your email, name and password. 

Step 2: Get Your Free Starting Glasses

Congratulations your account is ready, now Upon registration, you’ll be gifted a free pair of “Starting Glasses.” From the platform. These glasses allow you to begin earning in the app for free. So make sure yours is active so as to make money from every activity completed on the app.

Step 3: Start Watching and Collecting LEE

The first thing you should take note of is the Cheelee’s currency which is LEE. You earn this LEE by watching videos in your feed. You  Simply scroll through and watch videos like you would on any other social media platform like Facebook,  Instagram, TikTok etc and earn LEE. As you watch the videos on the platform you’ll see little boxes appear. 

Make sure to Tap on these boxes to collect LEE. If you fail to tap on them , there won’t be any reward on your balance, so as a hustler you need to do the needful to cashout.

How to make money on cheelee

Step 4: Understanding Endurance and Upgrading Glasses (Optional)

Like I stated earlier, you will be given a free glass to begin making money on the cheelee app but There’s a catch: your free Starting Glasses have limited “Endurance.” Once their Endurance on your account runs out, you can’t collect more LEE from the videos you watch until you get new glasses.

How to make money on cheelee app

The Cheelee platform offers various glasses for users to purchase , each with higher Endurance and potentially increased LEE cheelee revenue earnings. However, this is entirely optional, and it’s not mandatory.  You can do your own research to learn more before putting your money on any platform. 

Step 5: How to Withdraw Your LEE Earnings (Optional)

You can only withdraw the accumulated revenue which is LEE if you have glasses beyond the Starting tier (Elementary or above). Once you reach the cheelee minimum withdrawal threshold, you can transfer your  achieved LEE to your preferred payment method.

These are the Things to Consider:

Cheelee Earnings Potential: Reported earnings vary greatly and likely won’t replace a full-time job. This is just a passive income and with the app you can get a few bucks to buy some items.

Time Commitment: The amount you earn depends on how much time you spend watching videos in the cheelee app. The more time you spend watching videos on the app, the more LEE you accumulate.

Investment: While the app is free to use and also earn, buying better glasses requires an upfront cost. When your free glass expires you are required to buy new glass so as to keep earning on the platform. 

Sustainability: The long-term viability of earning significant income through Cheelee remains uncertain. As this is trending now. It’s important to make use of it now while it lasts.

Here are some additional tips to increase your revenue on the cheelee app.

Be Consistent: The more you watch, the more cheelee LEE you can potentially collect, and remember these LEE are your currency and revenue, so take them seriously. 

Engage with the Platform: Liking and commenting on videos might influence the algorithm to show you more content that you’re interested in and not those you won’t want to see or interact with.

Explore Referral Programs: 

One of the major strategies to earn on Cheelee without watching videos is through the referral program, users are seen reporting that their earnings are being increased through referrals but you check the app’s terms for details.


Cheelee is a relatively new social media app, and this platform is fully available worldwide no matter your country of residence and its earning potential might change over time,  who knows? It’s best to approach it with caution and not expect to get rich quickly from the platform evernight.

Disclaimer: This step by step guide is for informational purposes only. Earning potential on the Cheelee app can vary significantly.

Apple released iOS 18! These are the new features in the iPhone update you should know. 

black iphone 7 plus on red table

The next major version of Apple iOS is currently under development. As always, it will be released in the fall along with the new iPhone versions. On Tuesday night, Apple released its new iPhone operating system, iOS 18. 

These are the Overview;

  • New control center iOS 18 has 4,444 free, customizable app icons
  • Lock or hide app iOS 18 adds 4,444 new AI 

Other features:

  • New Photography Apps (control center)
  • Game types
  • Notes
  • Mathematics Notes Apply via
  • Division of Labor
  • There’s a new messaging app at the end of iOS 18 From autumn 2024

Let’s delve a little more deeper in all of these features and see the interesting part of this new development. 

New control center:

Apple is making the Control Center more customizable in iOS 18. Until now, Quick Access only took up one page and was organized in a strict grid. Individual add-on features can only be added and removed from iPhone settings. The new Control Center is more flexible and provides quick access to settings across multiple pages when needed. 

As it stands now, There are no further interruptions to the installation. New widgets for music and smart home controls are also part of the update, sounds good right?

One iOS 18 has 4,444 free customizable app icons.

And also, Since the launch of the very first iPhone in 2007, Apple has adhered to a strict application guideline on the home screen. Although iOS 14 includes widgets and app libraries that can be used to hide individual apps, that’s the reason why users do not have the freedom to design their home screens. 

Apps are arranged from top to bottom on both sides of the home screen only. There is no way to leave space or dock the app below the screen.

We also saw that Apple has now broken the solid home screen in iOS 18 and also allows users to customize the color of app icons. This allows them to match the app to the background screen or choose an accent preferred color. 

It has been seen that The new dark road also falls into the same category. So far, only a few areas of the iPhone home screen, such as the dock frame, have changed due to the switch to Dark Mode feature. But in iOS 18, app icons also have shadows which makes the whole look more mature and beautiful. 

Lock or hide app

Another feature is the lock or hide app option For now, some applications can only be closed directly. With iOS 18, users will finally be able to lock an app using the Face ID option, the Touch ID, or the iPhone passcode. 

But that’s not all: Apple even allows apps to be hidden on the home screen. After that, a new category containing hidden applications will appear in the application library on the last page of the home screen. And the new iOS 18 adds 4,444 new AI features.

iOS 18 takes the idea of artificial ​​intelligence-based features with Apple Intelligence. In addition to Siri, many apps have additional features to assist all iPhone users. You can find everything you need to know about this in our telegram channel: Apple Intelligence brings artificial intelligence to the new  iPhone.

New Photography Apps:

In the new iOS 18, the Photos app received the biggest update in the entire iPhone history. There are no tabs, but there is a unified page with everything visible on one side. For example, filters can be used to filter images directly or hide screenshots based on certain image types which wasn’t in previous iPhone versions. 

Another feature is the photo view, which is a “Smart Zone” that lets you create collections by topics such as time, people, interests, and travel. The app automatically combines the latter and filters out irrelevant images.

The Game types

As you already know, the Macs desktop with Apple Silicon have had Game Mode for some time, which reduces background performance for longer games. This feature will also come to iPhones with the new iOS 18 and, among other features, it can increase the response time of Bluetooth controllers and headphones such as AirPods by reducing the latency.

The IOS 18 Notes feature 

The iPhone ios 18 comes with its own Voice Memos app, but it doesn’t have a direct connection to Notes. Apple made it possible to write a personal note with iOS 18. This allows users to save voice notes along with other files such as text and images. A key example is the lesson, where students can write out loud and expand with background and additional presentation.

The Voice Memos is modeled after the Voice Memos app in design and functionality. This feature is available not only in iOS 18 but also in macOS Sequoia and iPadOS.

The Mathematics Notes which is Another new feature in the Notes app is what Apple internally calls “Math Notes.” Similar to voice typing, the calculator function will be added directly to the paper. This makes it possible to write equations in the future and solve them with a calculator.

Division of Labor

The Mail app in iOS 18 can categorize incoming emails. Gmail and other email services use long text to organize and package emails for clarity. There’s a new messaging app at the end of iOS 18 which is called iMessage. 

iMessage is a messaging application integrated into iOS and makes its full functionality available only to Apple users. The app reverts to the old SMS standard when communicating with Android smartphones. This means no encrypted communications, no high-resolution photos and videos being sent, and no read receipts.

Apple announced that it will use the RCS (Rich Communication Services) standard for its messaging application by the end of 2024. Google incorporated RCS into its Messages app years ago and asked Apple to do the same.

The RCS feature allows Android and iOS users to finally communicate with each other without restrictions. You can send messages over Wi-Fi, as well as meter, read receipts, group chat, and voice messages. Other features like emoji reactions are also in the planning stages.

But iMessage is also getting more features beyond RCS. There are more effects available that users can send as reactions. In addition, iMessage is finally getting the option to schedule messages and send them later.


For iOS 18, Apple is likely to follow its previous schedule, which we know from previous iOS versions. Apple usually officially presents its new operating system at the WWDC in June. After this announcement, the company then releases the first beta versions for registered testers – first for developers and a month later for all owners of a compatible iPhone.

What’s your thought on this new development in the Apple world? Drop your thoughts in the comment section let’s interact…

Telegram monetization eligibility | how to Turn on monetization on Telegram


There is an ongoing trend right now which is said to be notcoin tap-tap whatever; some social media users have claimed that they got a certain amount of money by tapping on their phone screen with the telegram app. And this has caught so many people’s attention and they are gradually downloading telegram apps from the app store to do the same thing.

While this method of earning fast crypto or money is not yet made clear to us or have we seen a live withdrawal proof to make an official review.  There is also another proven strategy to make money on Telegram which I myself have tried and it worked 100%. 

In this article I will walk you through on how to monetize a telegram channel with ads display and how to qualify to start making money on Telegram as a beginner,but you also need to be informed about the Telegram monetization eligibility criteria before getting started.  Let’s get onto it now.

How to Monetize Telegram Channels in 2024 for Channel owners?

Exciting news for all Telegram channel owners. Officially, Telegram recently launched a revenue-sharing program that allows you to monetize your channel directly through ad placements or ad display. In this article  we will delve into everything you need to know about this new opportunity to earn from your content creation efforts on Telegram. 

So if you have a telegram app that you just downloaded for the sake of making money or mining crypto with the tap-tap notcoin or tap swap trends, or you are just a telegram user who accesses your favorite content on telegram, you can also make money with this guide.

How Does Telegram’s Revenue Sharing Work? How does telegram monetization work?

It’s now very clear that Telegram took a different approach to monetization compared to other platforms. Instead of selling ads directly, it partners with businesses and displays targeted ads within telegram channels across the platform. Here is how the ads looks like below…

Telegram monetization eligibility | how to Turn on monetization on Telegram
Minsjohnfrancis.com telegram channel monetization

Here’s the breakdown:

Also Read: instant ShareASale Approval Trick You Need to know 

Telegram Ad Display:

Relevant ads are displayed organically within your channel’s chat feed, ensuring a seamless user experience if only your channel is eligible.

Revenue Sharing: As a channel owner You earn 50% of the revenue generated from ads displayed on your telegram channel.

Telegram monetization eligibility and Requirements

Currently, the telegram monetization program is fully open to organic public channels with at least 1,000 subscribers. Telegram emphasizes high-quality content, so ensure your telegram channel offers consistent, valuable and engaging content for your subscribers and audience.

Eligibility Check: Ensure your telegram channel has at least 1,000 subscribers and is set to public. Note: this won’t be made available for you if you Bought bot telegram subscribers to your channel, because the advertisers are the one to choose your channel for their ads display.

If your channel is not active or relevant to advertisers products , then they won’t show ads on it.  If your channel is 100% clean and organically active, there will be ads shown to your users even before turning on the monetization feature. 

How to turn on the monetization feature of your telegram channel ?

Log into the telegram number you used when creating your channel from day one. Note if that number isn’t available again, you can’t access the monetization feature with another number that is used as an admin or a second channel owner. So make sure nothing happens to the number used in creating the telegram channel. 

Once you’ve logged in, then go to the Channel Settings: Go to Channel Settings > Statistics > then you will see boost and Monetization. Click on monetization and make sure you turn ads on. Your earnings start counting when your users sees ads on your channel.

When all these steps are completed then make sure you create a Fragment wallet to receive your earnings.

Telegram monetization Payment Methods and Threshold:

Payment Method: 

Telegram utilizes a platform called Fragment, a TON Blockchain-based payment system. You’ll need to create a Fragment wallet to receive your earnings as stated above.

Payment Threshold: 

There’s no minimum threshold for payouts on Telegram revenue share. You can withdraw your earnings anytime, even if it’s a small amount. Make sure you check your monetization tab to check your channel earnings.

How to Maximize Your Earnings Through telegram Revenue Sharing:

While the 50% revenue share is a generous offer, it’s important to note the basic strategies to make more revenue from the ads display. 

here are some strategies to maximize your earnings:

Grow Your telegram channel Audience: 

The more engaged channel subscribers you have, the more attractive your telegram channel becomes for advertisers, this potentially leading to higher ad impressions and more revenue.

Provide High-Quality and Engaging Content: 

Consistent creation of valuable content keeps your telegram audience hooked and active, increasing the potential for ad views and more clicks.

Target a specific Niche: 

Focus on a specific niche to attract a targeted channel audience who would likely be interested in the displayed ads on your channel.

Be good at Content Optimization:

Analyze which content types generate higher engagement and adjust your strategy to maximize ad impressions within engaging content on your telegram channel. 

Always be Transparent to your users.

Be upfront about ad placements and ensure they don’t disrupt the user experience. A positive user experience encourages telegram channel audience retention.

Public Telegram channel ads regulations 

As a channel owner or a user, you don’t need to bother about inappropriate ads being shown on your channel because Telegram adheres to strict advertising regulations. Ads promoting illegal activities, hate speech, or harmful content won’t be displayed on your telegram channel.

Content Ownership: The telegram channel revenue-sharing program is still new. Be sure to stay updated on Telegram’s policies on their official site and their terms of service regarding content ownership and ad placement guidelines.


This new monetization program opens exciting possibilities for Telegram channel owners. By focusing on high-quality content, building a loyal telegram audience, and understanding the advertising ecosystem, you can turn your telegram channel into a valuable source of income. You can get started now and scale up your revenue.

I have already made a comprehensive video tutorial on youtube on best strategies to earn on Telegram, Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and join us on Telegram for more updates



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